Club med cancun excursions

club med cancun excursions

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Club Med Cancun Aguamarina Family Deluxe Oceanfront Room Room 304 Tour April 2023
Enjoy an unforgettable time with your loved ones and/or friends on the beautiful ocean of the Cancun Bay area, cruise the coast and do some nice snorkeling. We decided on the catamaran tour to Isla Mujeres because it allowed us to bring our 3 year old along. Adrien and his team on the Color Del Caribe were lovely! Club Med Cancun in Mexico offers an activity program and daytime and evening entertainment, archery, snorkeling, gym, golf ($), pickleball, tennis, sailing.
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You can walk around the resort grounds and beach feeling comfortable and secure, both day and night. This is incredibly convenient, as you never have to carry money or credit cards with you. Lunch included. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. From Monday to Saturday, departures at 10 am and 2 pm.