Art museum cancun

art museum cancun

Worldmark cancun mexico

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Visit the Maya Museum in Cancun
Mayan Museum of Cancun � Cancun's Tequila Sensory Museum � Underwater Museum of Art � Waxworks Museum � Experience the Wonder and History of Cancun. MUSA Underwater Art Museum. Cancun's underwater museum is an extremely unique concept for those who care about the environment and enjoy being in the water. The Museo is a small museum at km 4 on Boulevard Kulkulcan in Cancun (near the giant Mexican flag). It is well worth a visit. This is a collection of.
Comment on: Art museum cancun
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Walk into the Cancun wax museum to stand aside celebrities, characters, and even royalty. You can window-shop, of course, but you will definitely be tempted by the range of artisan pieces on offer, such as hand-stitched cushions made by the indigenous people of Chiapas, and one-of-a-kind leather bags created by Mexican inmates under the brand Prison Art. A short walk along a winding jungle path from the rear of the museum leads to the archaeological site of San Miguelito, a former Maya maritime community that once included El Rey Ruins , just down the street.